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Farmers Protest, High Court of Punjab & Haryana Directs CJM to Take Action…

The Punjab & Haryana High Court on 14th March,2024 directed the Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) to record the statement of the all the protestors who were allegedly detained and severely beaten by the Haryana Police during Farmers Protest which was held on February 21.

The victim’s father moved a habeas corpus petition in the court where he alleged that Haryana Policy detained his son from the borders of Punjab where he was sitting & protesting peacefully.

Haryana government filed an affidavit where they are denying all the allegations against them. The victim is severely injured due to which he was immediately admitted to the Civil Hospital.

The High Court also directed the CJM to record the statement of the victim, regarding the FIR lodged on the incident of violence under Sections 147, 148, 149, 186, 188, 307, 332, 353, 427 and 506 of IPC and Section 25(1B)(a) of Arms Act, 1959.

The matter is now listed for 15th March,2024 for further consideration.

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