There is an instruction from the stock exchange BSE for investors trading through Paytm Payments Bank accounts. BSE has said that investors who have registered only Paytm Payments Bank accounts with their trading members (stock brokers) should register the accounts opened with any other bank to avoid any disruption. The deadline of March 15, given by RBI to implement the restrictions imposed on Paytm Payments Bank, is near.
On January 31, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had imposed certain restrictions on PPBL, including a ban on accepting new deposits and credit transactions after February 29. The central bank later extended this deadline till March 15. After March 15, people will no longer be able to deposit money in their PPBL account. The RBI FAQ page states that no credit or crediting of deposits is allowed except interest, cashback, sweep-in or refund from partner banks.
In the statement issued by BSE, it has been said that investors are informed that The restrictions may affect transactions in the securities markets of investors who have their accounts registered only with Paytm Payments Bank Limited as trading members. In view of this, investors are advised to review their current banking arrangements. Investors should add additional bank accounts with other banks to avoid any impact on transactions due to RBI directive.